China Resources Sanjiu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Chronicle of Events in 2018

1. China Resources Sanjiu won another second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award

On the morning of January 8, the National Science and Technology Awards Conference was grandly held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. At the meeting, China Resources Sanjiu’s R&D and innovation achieved great results again. Its wholly-owned subsidiary Kunming China Resources Shenghuo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and the Institute of Medicinal Plants of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and other units jointly completed the "Creation of Key Technologies for the Comprehensive Development of Large Varieties of Chinese Medicine Sanqi". and Industrialization Application" project won the second prize of the 2017 National Science and Technology Progress Award, which is the fourth national science and technology progress award that China Resources Sanjiu has won since 2013.
China Resources Shenghuo participated in the project research with the original research product "Liwei Wang" Xuesaitong Soft Capsules and "Ali Therapy" treatment plan. This scientific research achievement is mainly aimed at the key scientific issues in the research and development and application of large varieties of traditional Chinese medicine, innovatively put forward the original thinking of the research and development and comprehensive utilization of the whole industry chain of traditional Chinese medicine Panax notoginseng, and formed a collection of plant breeding, cultivation, chemical substance discovery, medicine The key technologies and methods of cracking the mechanism of action, production automation and evidence-based medicine research have made important contributions to promoting Panax notoginseng to become the most widely used botanical medicine in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in my country.

2. China Resources Sanjiu's 2018 annual business work meeting was held

On January 29, China Resources Sanjiu's 2018 annual business work meeting was held at the Shenzhen headquarters. The meeting reported on the implementation of the company's "13th Five-Year Plan" strategy, summarized the 2017 annual operation work; announced the 2018 annual business plan; centered on the company's "13th Five-Year Plan" strategy and annual management theme, and clarified the key tasks for 2018.
The meeting pointed out that "innovation" is the theme of the future development of China Resources Sanjiu, and "quality·efficiency" is the management theme of the company in 2018. All of our work and measures must focus on this, comprehensively cultivate innovation capabilities, continue to improve risk management and operation levels, vigorously promote the company's business to achieve quality growth, and continue to achieve leapfrog development on the tens of billions of platforms.

3. China Resources Sanjiu held a seminar on the re-evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine injections

On January 30, China Resources Sanjiu "Re-evaluation Seminar on Traditional Chinese Medicine Injections" was held at the company headquarters. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the re-evaluation policy, research basis and development plan of traditional Chinese medicine injections, and determine the company's future plan for re-evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine injections.
Qiu Huawei, president of China Resources Sanjiu, pointed out that the re-evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine injections will be a major reshuffle of the industry, a good opportunity to increase industry concentration, and improve the overall quality of traditional Chinese medicine injections. China Resources Sanjiu has a rich variety of traditional Chinese medicine injections and has accumulated a good research foundation. From the point of view of the entire industry and the company, it is necessary to carry out some forward-looking research and strive to re-evaluate all types of traditional Chinese medicine injections. At the same time, it is also necessary to think carefully about the methods, grasp the direction, and enhance the ability to resist risks.

4. China Resources Sanjiu officially launched the project of "advanced manufacturing of large varieties of traditional Chinese medicine injections"

In February, China Resources Sanjiu (Ya'an) launched the "Verification and Application Project of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Standards for Large Varieties of Traditional Chinese Medicine Injections". The implementation of this project will significantly improve the manufacturing process and automation level of China Resources Sanjiu (Ya'an), provide technical support and equipment support for the realization of modern Chinese medicine intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing, and help China Resources Sanjiu (Ya'an) become a demonstration of intelligent manufacturing of traditional Chinese medicine injections Production base.
At the end of 2017, China Resources Sanjiu (Ya'an)'s "Shenfu, Shenmai, Shengmai, and Honghua Injection Whole Industry Chain Digital Manufacturing Technology Construction" project was approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's Industrial Transformation and Upgrading Project—Validation of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Standards for Large Varieties of Traditional Chinese Medicine Injections and application, and received 20 million yuan of national financial support.

5. China Resources Sanjiu achieved a net profit of 1.302 billion in 2017, an increase of 8.67%

On March 15, China Resources Sanjiu released its 2017 annual performance report: During the reporting period, the company realized operating income of 11.12 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 23.81%; realized net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of 1.302 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.67%; The net cash flow from operating activities was 1.56 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.09%.
In 2017, China Resources Sanjiu maintained a steady growth momentum, and its performance achieved the expected goal. The company ushered in another important "milestone" in the development process: achieved operating income of 11.12 billion yuan, and entered the 10 billion platform. Among them, the self-diagnosis and treatment business achieved operating income of 5.429 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.78%; the prescription drug business achieved operating income of 5.174 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 36.33%.

6. China Resources Sanjiu's "Formulation Granule Project" officially started in Ya'an

On March 26, the groundbreaking ceremony of China Resources Sanjiu's "Formula Granule Project" was held in China Resources Sanjiu (Ya'an) Pharmaceutical Industrial Park.
The establishment of the "Formula Granules Project" in Ya'an is one of the important measures of China Resources Sanjiu to build China Resources Sanjiu (Ya'an) into a specialized, large-scale and intensive production base in Southwest China. The commencement of the project marks a substantial step taken by China Resources Sanjiu (Ya'an) on its journey to achieve leapfrog development.
The project plans to invest 120 million yuan, with a construction area of 15,253 square meters. It is expected to be put into operation on September 30, 2019. After the completion of the project, it will form a production scale of extracting 4,160 tons of net medicinal materials of traditional Chinese medicine and 800 tons of dry powder of Chinese medicine formula granule extract annually, with an estimated annual sales of 1 billion yuan.

7. China Resources Sanjiu was officially included in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index

On May 15, MSCI officially accepted China A-shares into the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. A total of 234 A-shares were included in the MSCI index system, and China Resources Sanjiu (000999.SZ) was among them.
The core business of China Resources Sanjiu is positioned in OTC and traditional Chinese medicine prescription drugs. OTC core products occupy a relatively high market share in cold, gastrointestinal, skin, pediatrics, cough and orthopedic medicines; In the fields of anti-tumor and anti-infection, it ranks in the forefront of the domestic market. China Resources Sanjiu was officially included in the MSCI Emerging Market Index, which is MSCI's recognition of the overall strength and value of listed companies.

8. The Party Committee of China Resources Sanjiu held the "Concentrated Training for Studying and Implementing the Spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China"

From May 21st to 25th, the China Resources Sanjiu Party Committee organized intensive training, focusing on promoting the study and implementation of the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, refocusing, warming up, and deepening. Qiu Huawei, secretary of the company's party committee, made a mobilization speech at the opening ceremony, emphasizing that all employees should take this training as an opportunity to promote the study and implement in-depth development, closely combine the company's party building and various business practices, innovate ideas, and plan new development , making new contributions to building China Resources Sanjiu into a first-class pharmaceutical company in China. A total of more than 260 people from the company's leadership team, direct managers, party organization committee members at all levels and party building liaison officers participated in the training.
At the training meeting, Yu Ming, deputy secretary of the company's party committee, gave a special party class entitled "Guided by the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to comprehensively improve the quality of China Resources' 39th party building work". The training focused on the three major themes of "party building, innovation, and quality", and divided into 8 special topics, including party building work, discipline inspection and supervision, manager management, information technology, strategic innovation, R&D innovation, policy market, and quality control, and invited experts to interpret the party constitution. and constitution.

9. The 2018 China Resources Sanjiu Innovation Conference was held

On May 23, the 2018 China Resources Sanjiu Innovation Conference was held at the company's headquarters, aiming to further implement the company's innovation strategy, strengthen the relationship between R&D, BD, and CD, create an innovative atmosphere for all employees, and promote the leapfrog development of China Resources Sanjiu.
The meeting pointed out that the driving force for China Resources to start after 390 billion is innovation, and in the future it should be transformed from marketing-driven to innovation-driven; the company has currently established BD and CD functions, and the next step will be to build a more open and interconnected platform; The company has established three research institutes, aiming to help the decision-making of R&D projects to be more scientific. At the beginning of product project approval and planning, relevant experts are invited to intervene to find relative certainty in uncertainties.

10. China Resources Sanjiu Guanlan Base obtained the Australian TGA certification

In May, China Resources Sanjiu Guanlan Base successfully obtained the TGA certification issued by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration. The scope of certification includes five dosage forms including hard capsules, pills, granules, creams, and tablets (sustained release), of which creams , tablet (sustained release) obtained the highest certification level R grade. This marks that the quality management system of Guanlan Base has been recognized by the Australian government and countries such as Britain, France and Germany, which are also members of PIC/S.
TGA is the supervisory agency of Australia's therapeutic commodities. Australia implements strict management on the production and import of drugs. It is recognized as one of the countries with strict drug management and difficult market access in the world. TGA certification enjoys a high reputation in the world. .

11. More than 39 brands of China Resources Sanjiu were once again shortlisted in the "China Pharmaceutical Brand List·Value List"

On August 13, the 2018 "China Pharmaceutical Brand List Value Ranking" was announced, and more than CR Sanjiu brands were shortlisted again. Among them, 999 Ganmaoling ranks first in "adult cold medicine (Chinese patent medicine - wind-heat category)", 999 children's cold medicine and 999 Piyanping rank second in "children's cold and cough medicine" and "dermatology medicine". bit.
999 Ganmaoling was also listed in the "2018 Healthy China·Brand List", was once again selected into the adult cold medicine list and ranked first, and was awarded the Xipu Gold Award. In addition, Liwei Wangxuesaitong Soft Capsules and Yishanfu were selected into the 2018 "Healthy China·Brand List" sharp list.

12. The new brand image of Haowawa was released at the 2018 Xipu Conference

In August, at the 2018 China Pharmaceutical Retail Industry Information Conference (Xip Conference), China Resources Sanjiu and Sanofi released a new brand image of the joint venture children's drug brand - Haowa. In the future, Good Doll will provide Chinese children with a full range of professional, sophisticated and high-quality children's health products with a brand-new brand image, helping every Chinese child to become a healthy and good doll and realize the Chinese dream.
China Resources Sanjiu has been intensively cultivating the Chinese children's drug market for many years. Sanofi is a world-leading diversified medical and health company, and pediatrics is one of the health areas it focuses on. The release of the new brand image of Haowawa is a milestone in the strategic cooperation between China Resources Sanjiu and Sanofi. The strong cooperation between the two parties will bring more choices of professional children's medicines to Chinese children and their families.

13. China Resources Sanjiu won four awards including the top 20 competitive pharmaceutical listed companies in China

On September 1, the 2018 China Pharmaceutical Listed Company Competitiveness Selection and Awards Ceremony hosted by China Pharmaceutical Enterprise Management Association and China Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Association and undertaken by E-pharmaceutical managers was held in Yanqi Lake, Beijing. China Resources Sanjiu listed nearly 300 pharmaceutical companies The company stood out from the crowd and won four awards: "Top 20 Competitiveness of China's Listed Pharmaceutical Companies", "EHS Social Responsibility Award", "Social Welfare Responsibility Award", and "Top Ten Board Secretaries of China's Listed Pharmaceutical Companies in 2018".
The selection lasted more than 4 months, with nearly 300 participating companies, all of which are Chinese pharmaceutical companies listed on the Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, NASDAQ, and New York Stock Exchanges with annual sales of more than 100 million yuan. The company's financial status is used as the basis for selection, and comprehensive evaluation is carried out from multiple dimensions such as industry, management, capital, managers and resources.

14. China Resources Sanjiu reached strategic cooperation with Ping An Good Doctor

On September 7, China Resources Sanjiu and Ping An Good Doctor reached a strategic cooperation to further increase the layout of new pharmaceutical retail and other aspects. The two parties will carry out in-depth integration in the fields of new retail of medicine, revitalization of traditional Chinese medicine, medical artificial intelligence, family doctor, marketing, health and poverty alleviation, etc.
According to the agreement, the two parties will use Ping An Good Doctor's own Internet hospitals, medical teams and Internet medical traffic, and at the same time give full play to China Resources Sanjiu's product and brand advantages in the medical side, and open up a closed loop from consultation, prescription, product to delivery service, for Provide users with a more comprehensive medical and health service experience.

15. "Kiss China Resources. Experience 80 years" - China Resources Sanjiu holds the first "Public Open Day"

On September 8, China Resources Sanjiu held the first public open day activity of "Kissing China Resources · Feeling 80 Years" at the headquarters in Guanlan, Shenzhen. Investors, media professionals, customers, employee representatives and relatives, surrounding residents, consumers, and the government More than 60 people, including staff and partners, were invited to visit the China Resources Sanjiu Exhibition Center, experience the standardized production process of the "999" series of pharmaceuticals at zero distance, communicate and exchange face-to-face with company executives, and feel and understand China Resources Group and China Resources Sanjiu. Nine.
This is one of the activities that China Resources Group established the "Public Open Day" and held the first "Public Open Day" in 2018. Through the window and platform of China Resources Sanjiu, it fully demonstrated the development process and product brands of China Resources as a first-level profit center , operation management, cultural construction and social responsibility work, further presenting the pursuit, responsibility, demeanor and achievements of China Resources in caring about the country and people's livelihood.

16. China Resources Sanjiu enters the market of decoction pieces of traditional Chinese medicine, and the strategic layout of traditional Chinese medicine is another key step

On September 28, China Resources Sanjiu’s “Materia Medica Enlightenment Elegance” Chinese Herbal Pieces Launch Conference was held at the company’s headquarters. "
At the launching ceremony, Qiu Huawei, president of China Resources Sanjiu, said: "China Resources Sanjiu entered the Chinese herbal medicine market this time under the strategic guidance of the company's 'Chinese medicine value creator', using modern technology to explore and develop the value of Chinese medicine, making it more It is suitable for the diagnosis and treatment needs of modern people."
Making Chinese medicine decoction pieces is a practice of ingenuity, returning to the basics, and creating safe Chinese medicine to promote the progress of the industry. Industry insiders believe that entering the decoction pieces market will play a key role in China Resources Sanjiu's further integration of high-quality industry resources, driving the value symbiosis of the industrial chain, and realizing the overall strategic layout in the Chinese medicine market.

17. Hefei China Resources Sanjiu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. opened for business

On October 10, the opening ceremony of Hefei China Resources Sanjiu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ("Hefei Sanjiu" for short) was grandly held in Zhihui Industrial Park, Baohe Economic Development Zone, Hefei, marking the establishment of the national marketing platform of China Resources Sanjiu Formula Granules in Hefei A landmark step has been taken.
After opening and running, Hefei Sanjiu, as a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Resources Sanjiu, will uphold the philosophy and mission of China Resources Sanjiu, cherish the current historical opportunity that the state attaches importance to and supports the development of the pharmaceutical industry, and integrate advanced management experience and good quality system Input into the local pharmaceutical market, and closely focus on the strategic plan for the development of the pharmaceutical market in Anhui Province, deepen the regional leading strategy, improve the level of scale, standardization, and intensification of pharmaceutical operations, and further promote the transformation and upgrading of the pharmaceutical distribution industry in Anhui Province while expanding new markets business and cultivate new advantages.

18. China Resources Sanjiu joins hands with Sanofi "Perfect Pharmacy" to strongly enter the Chinese market

On October 23, the 18th China Pharmacy Summit Forum was held in Qingdao, Shandong Province. Witnessed by thousands of colleagues in the pharmaceutical field across the country, China Resources Sanjiu and Sanofi held the launch ceremony of the "Perfect Pharmacy" in China. "Perfect Pharmacy" is a service system aimed at maximizing the value of the market by cooperating with terminals, and creating a perfect experience for consumers with accurate customer demand analysis, optimized product visual system, and systematic resource customization services.
As of 2017, "Perfect Pharmacy" has been successfully promoted and landed in Southeast Asia, covering 5,541 of the 61,000 terminals in Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesiastore. In this area, Perfect Pharmacy, which accounts for only 9% of the number of stores, contributes as much as 76% of the total terminal sales.

19. "Cinochansu Tablets" was added to the 2018 edition of the basic drug list

On November 1, the "National Essential Drug List (2018 Edition)" was officially implemented nationwide. The number of essential medicines has increased from the original 520 to 685, among which the original research and exclusive product Cinobufacini Tablets produced by China Resources Jinchan has been added to it, ranking 125th in the serial number of Chinese patent medicines.
Cinochansu tablets are the first and exclusive production in China. The drug standards are included in the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" and the ministerial standards. It is a national protected variety of traditional Chinese medicine and has 9 authorized invention patents. As a pure traditional Chinese medicine preparation, Cinobufacini Tablets have the functions of clearing away heat and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain, etc., can directly kill or inhibit the growth of tumor cells, improve the immune function of the body, and have little toxic and side effects. Chronic hepatitis B has strong advantages and strengths in the market competition, and the market prospect is very broad.

20. Self-diagnosis and treatment CHC business group (preparation) and prescription drug business department (preparation) were established

On November 7, China Resources Sanjiu established the self-diagnosis and treatment CHC business group (in preparation) and the prescription drug business unit (in preparation). The company made this decision after in-depth research, in order to ensure the in-depth development of market strategies in the field of self-diagnosis and prescription in the organization, and to promote the implementation of China Resources Sanjiu's strategic plan.
Based on the OTC business department, professional brand business department, general health business department, Kunming China Resources Shenghuo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and the oral drug line of the prescription Chinese medicine business department, China Resources Sanjiu established a self-diagnosis and treatment CHC business group (preparation); Business Department, Prescription Chinese Medicine Business Department, Prescription Drug Products and Marketing Department, China Resources Sanjiu (Ya'an), and China Resources Hi-Tech Tian established the Prescription Drug Business Department (preparation).

21. China Resources Sanjiu won the "Golden Bull Top 100" award of China's listed companies again

On November 15, the "20th (2017) Golden Bull Award for Chinese Listed Companies" sponsored by "China Securities Journal" was announced. Strength, once again won the "Golden Bull Top 100" award, and Zhou Hui, the company's vice president and secretary of the board of directors, also won the "Best Secretary of the Board" award.
The "Golden Bull Award" has always adhered to objective, scientific and fair selection criteria, and has become an award that has attracted the attention of listed companies, research institutions, and investors at home and abroad. China Resources Sanjiu won the "Golden Bull Top 100" award this time, which represents the recognition of the company's comprehensive competitiveness and investment value by all parties in the market.

22. China Resources Sanjiu ranks first in the list of non-prescription drug manufacturers in China again

On November 15-16, at the 15th China Self-medication Annual Conference, the 2018 China OTC Drug Enterprise and Product List was announced. Rank the top of the list of product brands.
In the statistical ranking of product brands, China Resources Sanjiu 999 Ganmaoling Granules (capsules) ranked first in the cold and cough category of non-prescription drug products (Chinese patent medicines), and this product has won this honor for 7 consecutive years. In addition, children's cold medicine series products, Qiangli Pipalu, Banlangen Granules, Sanjiuweitai Granules/Capsules, Qizhi Weitong Granules, Gutong Tie Plaster, Yishanfu, Piyanping, Kangfute, etc. were all on the list.
Since 2006, the China OTC Drug Association has carried out statistical rankings of non-prescription drug companies and product brands every year, which has been widely recognized by colleagues in the industry.

23. China Resources Sanjiu Lingnan Traditional Chinese Medicine Seed Seedling Breeding Base passed the review

On November 20-21, China Resources Sanjiu Lingnan Chinese Medicinal Seed Seedling Breeding Base passed the expert review and will be further recommended as a provincial Lingnan Chinese Medicinal Seed Seedling Breeding Base.
The main base of Nanyao Seed Seedling Breeding Base is located in Qianfeng Town, Yuncheng District, Yunfu City and Pingtang Town, Luoding City, covering an area of 503 mu. The base has completed the first phase of infrastructure construction. There are currently 1.3 million high-quality seedlings such as Sanchaku and Jiulixiang, which have driven local industrialized planting to a total of more than 1,000 mu. While guaranteeing China Resources Sanjiu's own demand for seeds and seedlings of southern medicines, the project will carry out the protection and development of southern medicine resources, and eventually build it into a national base.

24. China Resources Sanjiu (Ya'an) established a national postdoctoral scientific research workstation

In November, the national post-doctoral scientific research workstation declared by China Resources Sanjiu (Ya'an) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was approved.
China Resources Sanjiu (Ya'an) is a national key high-tech enterprise and a technological innovation demonstration enterprise in Sichuan Province. It has successively established the Sichuan Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Injection Engineering Technology Research Center and the Provincial Enterprise Technology Center. This time, it was approved as a national post-doctoral scientific research workstation, becoming the first national post-doctoral scientific research workstation in Ya'an.

25. China Resources Sanjiu's "Traditional Chinese Medicine Injection Quality Upgrading and Technical Transformation" project passed the acceptance test

On November 29, China Resources Sanjiu (Ya'an) "Industrial Revitalization and Technological Transformation Project-Chinese Medicine Injection Quality Upgrade Technology Project" passed the acceptance. The project was approved by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in 2014. It was included in the 2014 central budgetary investment project - industrial revitalization and technological transformation project, and received 6.47 million yuan of financial support.

26. "999 Vitoria" became the official partner of Chinese Women's Football

On December 12, China Resources Sanjiu's new health brand - "999 Vitoria" became the official partner of the Chinese National Women's Football Team.
Sonorous dream, hand in hand the future. The cooperation between "999 Vitoria" and the Chinese National Women's Football Team will help the Chinese women's football team to flourish again in the World Cup, Olympic Games and other competitions.

27. China Resources Sanjiu (Zaozhuang) launched the project of "Application of New Mode of Digital Workshop for Chinese Patent Medicine Preparations"

On December 13, the launch meeting of China Resources Sanjiu (Zaozhuang) "New Mode Application of Digital Workshop for Chinese Patent Medicine Preparations" project was held at Zhejiang University Industrial Technology Research Institute.
The project of "Application of New Mode of Digital Workshop for Chinese Proprietary Medicine Preparations" focuses on the production process and quality control requirements of Chinese patent medicine products, and integrates key technologies of intelligent manufacturing such as information technology, network technology, robot technology and control technology with advanced pharmaceutical technology, and establishes The digital workshop of Chinese patent medicine preparations realizes the digital manufacturing and management of the whole process of product production.

28. The subsidiary of China Resources Sanjiu won the Gold Award and Bronze Award of Hong Kong "Excellent Environmental Safety and Health Award"

On December 14, the 2018 "Hong Kong Green Enterprise Awards" awards ceremony was grandly held in Hong Kong. China Resources Sanjiu (Chenzhou) and China Resources Jinchan were awarded the Gold Award and Bronze Award of the "Excellent Environmental Safety and Health Award".
The "Hong Kong Green Enterprise Award" selection activity is one of the series of public welfare activities carried out by the Hong Kong Environmental Promotion Association, which has extensive influence in Hong Kong.

29. More than one product of China Resources Sanjiu was shortlisted for the 2018 ranking list of scientific and technological competitiveness of large varieties of traditional Chinese medicine

On December 26, the 2018 ranking list of technological competitiveness of large varieties of traditional Chinese medicine was released in Beijing. China Resources Sanjiu had a total of 13 products shortlisted for the list. Among the superior products in the list, Shenfu Injection won the second place in the field of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases (injections), the third place in all categories, and the first place in Sichuan Province, demonstrating strong product strength and clinical value.
In addition, Ganmaoling Capsules, Sanjiuweitai Granules, Honghua Injection, Shengmai Injection, Shenmai Injection, Pediatric Ganmao Granules, Yinzhihuang Oral Liquid, Tripterygium Tablets, and Wangbuxindan were also on the list.
From the nearly 60,000 Chinese patent medicine products that have been on the market, according to the principle of "high clinical value, strong scientific value, and large market value", the alliance of large varieties of traditional Chinese medicine has selected 569 large varieties of Chinese patent medicine that are generally recognized in the industry and familiar to doctors and patients .

30. China Resources Sanjiu signed strategic cooperation agreements with Shanghai University and Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine respectively

On December 27, China Resources Sanjiu signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the headquarters of China Resources Sanjiu. Previously, on October 16, Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and China Resources Sanjiu signed a strategic cooperation agreement at Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
According to the agreement, the two parties will rely on their respective advantages to deepen cooperation in the field of industry-university-research and form a strategic alliance of "medical education and research" cooperation to realize complementary advantages and win-win cooperation between enterprises, universities of traditional Chinese medicine and their affiliated hospitals, and jointly build a hospital-enterprise value ecosystem. Work together to create a new situation in the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine. China Resources Sanjiu signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

31. The environment and occupational health and safety management system of Guanlan Base was awarded CNAS "Double Certificate"

On December 29, Guanlan Base was awarded the CNAS certification of GB/T24001-2016/ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management and GB/T28001-2011/OHSAS18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management Dual System.
The full recognition of CNAS is due to the fact that the Guanlan base adheres to the goal of "pursuing high realms and adhering to high standards", constantly improving the EHS management system and continuously improving the EHS management and control capabilities.

32. China Resources Sanjiu Guanlan Logistics Automation Project was highly praised by the industry

In 2018, China Resources Sanjiu Guanlan Logistics Automation Project was highly praised by the pharmaceutical supply chain industry for its advanced automation equipment, intelligent information system, and standardized operating procedures, and was awarded the "Top Ten Pharmaceutical Logistics Operation Optimization" issued by the China Pharmaceutical Business Association. Program", "2018 Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Test Base" issued by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Pharmaceutical Industry Chamber of Commerce.
Based on the overall strategy of China Resources Sanjiu and the analysis of the upstream, midstream and downstream businesses of the industrial chain, the automatic project of Guanlan Logistics aims to consolidate the foundation of intelligent manufacturing, and realize the strategy of manufacturing upgrading with technological upgrading, equipment upgrading and information integration as breakthrough points. The project was launched in September 2017 and has been running stably for more than a year. Through the effective use of a series of automation equipment such as automatic palletizing manipulators, AGV, box conveyor lines, and pallet conveyor lines, it has brought remarkable results to the logistics and warehousing operations.
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